Online Session with pmd and Infineon on April 14th

Banner Online Session pmd and Infineon

A Look Through the Surface and Beyond –
Time-of-Flight Under the Display and for Long Range Applications

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

8:00 am PDT | 11:00 am EDT | 17:00 CEST

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pmdtechnologies’ and Infineon’s latest 3D Time-of-Flight image sensor enables powerful new applications for mobile such as real-time mixed reality, enhanced photography, 3D object scanning, and room reconstruction. Integrated into the world’s smallest 3D ToF camera modules, the complete solution accurately measures depth in the short and long range with best-in-class resolution and lowest power consumption. Building on this success, the latest joint developments of pmd and Infineon will continue to enable entire new use cases while taking performance and ease of use to the next level. Join the webinar to get a first look.


In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • The current state and trends of Time-of-Flight technology adoption in the mobile market and its implications for the development of Mobile Photography, AR-Applications and Secure Face Authentication
  • How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can enable under-display ToF for Secure Face Authentication
  • How specific sensor optimizations can increase sensing performance in challenging use-case scenarios



Jochen Penne
Head of Business Development

After studying Media Computer Science at the Technical University of Dresden, Jochen Penne came into contact with 3D cameras from pmdtechnologies ag as a research assistant at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. After numerous scientific publications on various application areas of 3D cameras, he joined the business development team of pmdtechnologies ag in 2010. Today, Jochen Penne is Member of the Executive Board at pmd and Head of Business Development, which includes partnering with strategic contributors of the 3D application ecosystem. Being an 3D enthusiast he has contributed to integrate pmd’s technology into smartphones, AR headsets, cars, cleaning robots and other devices. In his free-time he enjoys long-distance running and bicycling.


Walter Bell
Application Engineer

Walter graduated from the Technical University of Graz where he focused on System on Chip Design and Analog Chip Design. His fascination for 3D time of flight started in 2014 when he started to work at Infineon as Test Engineer for 3D Time of Flight image sensors. As Application Engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area Walter helped to implement Infineons REAL3™ imagers for many innovative applications. Today, Walter uses his experiance to define the next gerneration of Infineons 3D image sensors portfolio as a Product Marketeer.

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