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Read the latest press releases about new technological developments, product announcements and pmd-partnerships to be up to date in the world of Time-of-Flight depth-sensing technology.

#AR, XR, MR, #business, #technology

Our 3D Time-of-Flight depth-sensing technology is a key component to bring truly immersive and real-to-life experiences to the new augmented reality headset Magic Leap 2.

MagicLeap 2 with ToF Sensor from pmd and Infineon

#tradeshows, #AR, XR, MR, #products, #technology

Magic Leap 2 demonstrates the potential of the pmd Time-of-Flight Image Sensor. The new and improved ToF sensor captures the physical environment around the user and helps the device to understand and finally interact with it.

#AR, XR, MR, #products, #business, #technology

Say hello to the most flexible and advanced 3D Time-of-Flight product family on the market to add depth sensing and processing to your product.

#cases, #AR, XR, MR

Together with our partner Infineon Technologies we believe in 3D depth data. That AR will pervade our lives. The long-range REAL3™ Time-of-Flight imager delivers on this vision.